I situate myself within a sea of things…. my eyes bleed into themselves,  mushing things together into one conglomerate MESS.
Whenever I am in my studio, I play this game where I think about what I'D keep in my room if I had my way.
Here is the list that I have come up with to date:
dust bunnies (a colony with their own politics),
cigarette butts soaked in chamomile tea,
watermelon five gum wrappers,
flower vases with flower patterns,
a yellow rocking chair,
dead grass (with the smell),
Glass fruit,
the drape,
a fake fur coat,
motorcycle chains dripping with oil,
freshly filled spoonfuls of pesto bismol,
sleeves of arrowroot cookies,
a robot with huge tits,
sewing pins (the ones with the fake pearl tops),
glow-IN-THE-DARK stars,
HOT PINK gumballs,
And porn MAGS.
Lots and lots of porn MAGS.
Also, maybe a flower crown. And a paper one, too. And a bloody nose.
I love the dis-genuine. The FAKE STUFF. I WISH I HAD A pair of huge plastic tits, smokes dangling out of cherry-red-advil-coating coloured lips, coffee brown stained veneers reflecting what little light there is falling through the window, gummy-bear-transparent fake nails, and hair curlers round so tight around barely blonde hair.
eating boxed macaroni and cheese for dinner every night.
dripping peach juice down MY chest and then taking a bath with water so salty my skin begs for air.
to own a shotgun.
to tie that shotgun above my mantle with a STRAND OF A BLONDE WIG and call it research.
to own a diamond just to crush it with the toe of a ballet flat.