The idea of a labour of love is so intensely animate - the phrase in itself so comforting - so brightening - it’s just simply lovely. I'll build you a bench, sweep the porch stairs, lend you a vacuum, rub your head, draw you a salted bath, open a jar, help you write a resume, drive you to the airport, wrap you in a blanket, bring you a glass of water, mow the lawn, crush the cans so they fit in the recycling bin, fix your leaky shower.
I'll leave you a handwritten note saying I've left for work and won’t be back until dinner-time.
Surround by Horses/Mountain Time, is an expression of these feeling’s of unwavering affection. The image’s and objects all have a soft blur, as if they've been smudged by a wet brush, allowing for the eyes to glaze over the specificity of the subject matter, substituting an absoluteness, for an unknowable pleasure. The colours begin to seep into one another: turquoise, grey, white, and brown: murky like a sidewalk puddle. Then there's the sky, one that begins to define itself as one single piece, like an iceberg broken away from the rest of the world. The horses float to meet you, their muzzles loudly blowing out hot breath from their giant lungs. It’s hard to tell if any of this is permanent, or if it is just a frame in time.
A gentle tune, a soft hum. The stark black frame becomes the melody, the image the notes, and the bits and pieces the chorus. Sing with us (we love you - let us be your labour of love)
In order of appearance:
Installation shots
Chair, 2023
handmade chair, various objects
(It's) The End of The World, Nobody Move, 2023*
varsity letters, silver thread, pink thread, stained walnut rod
True blue, 2023*
dried flowers, spray paint, fabric, one button
Untitled, 2023
photo transfer on a mirror, love note, found objects
Untitled, 2023
photo transfer on a mirror, brilliant blue flowers, found objects, lace
Wrap me up, I'll hold you, light us on fire, kiss kiss, 2023
found wood, candle, matches, lace, beaded collar
Teddy, 2023
handmade stuffy
(make your own)
For Stella, 2023^
hand made quilt with secrets inside
Untitled, 2023
wheat paste, newsprint, hand-painted frame, Appalachian dulcimer, ribbon
Untitled, 2023
hand-painted frame in off white paint
Hairdo, 2023
hand-painted frame in off white paint
To me, love sounds like you, 2023*
dried hydrangeas, lavender, grasses and fireweed, spray paint, sconce
*Made by me
^Made by Theoren Johannessen
if unmarked, it is collaborative (however Theoren is the brains behind all of the photographs)